Wednesday, October 06, 2004

working life...

hmm.. really been thinking about this over the last couple months.. working life is actually quite a bummer.. sure u get paid.. its a set routine that if u find a good job its easy to do.. it sets u up for family life, financial supplies and what not etc, but what about the people who don't like set routines, who want some freedom.. who like to do what they want when they want.. mebbe find a job that allows that?? ok.. possible.. but not likely..

i tell u what was good.. uni life.. it had its fair share of stress, all nighters.. assignments etc.. but it was a good life.. it was easy.. structuring ur timetable to all afternoon classes so u could wake up at midday everyday.. staying up till about 1-2am chatting to all ur friends online who also are going to uni and chat at that time.. going out seeing friends without being stuck to a set schedule (like going to bed early to wake up at 6am for work).. uni life was the good life.. a nice level of responsibility balanced with a level of freedom..

so my tip to all u people still in uni..

Stay in Uni, FAIL IF U HAVE TO!!

that is all

NOTE: if u take the above advice and do fail ur subjects, i take no responsibility for this action, for it is ur choice to do so :-D

[EDIT]: for those that may think i dislike work and stuff.. i don't.. the work is pretty good.. just working life could be a lil bit more flexible..