Thursday, December 23, 2004

Holidays are definitely here...

yep.. as the title says.. i finished work on fri, soon as i left holidays started..

wot have i been up to?

fri arvo: coffee wif friends, then poker at night at a mates house
sat: shopping in city, carols in the domain
sun: chats, church, city extra (circular quay) then jacksons
mon arvo: gym in the city
tues: swimming at homebush, new ikea complex ($1 dollar hotdogs mmm), jumbo ice cream, dvd at rachel's
wed: bball at rooftop, chats again (bought aladdin on dvd "A WHOLE NEW WORLD!!! *sings*"), poy's place for singstar and eyetoy, got home at 7am today...

as u can see holiday mode is truly on... what will today hold??