Tuesday, August 15, 2006

MSN No More!

well.. for an indefinite time...

i figure i use msn a bit too much.. and its become an unhealthy habit...

i open my laptop up and the first program to get started is msn messenger
i get home from work or wake up on the weekends and i turn on my pc and msn messenger loads

all it does is just sit there, and i talk to a handful of people... but i find myself constantly checking on it.. seeing who's online etc... which becomes a distraction...

sooo i've decided to uninstall msn from my laptop, and desktop computers... i may use it if i'm not at home or at work (ie. if i'm at a friends house) but i want to break the habit of just having it always open and sitting there...

so if you are one of my fan's who regularly talk to me :-P
just send me an email, sms me, call me.. etc :-)

edit: added a counter :-P