Wednesday, December 17, 2003

I made it!!

well i just got back.. i made it to coffee.. with a slight headache.. but its was ok.. it was so good to catch up with Sussan, since i hadn't seen her in like 4 years.. a lot of stuff to cover.. wots been happening.. wot has happened etc.. before long it was like past 11.. we were there for way over 2 hours.. time flies when ur in good company...

still got a bit of a headache though.. i think its something at my house.. i was fine at the cafe and on the way there and way back in the car.. must be the house.. LOL...

tomoz should be a good day if i get over this headache business.. rest during the day i think.. sms Hermz sometime to find out if basketball is going ahead at night.. hope so.. i hope i'm well.. i haven't played that in years... so much stuff i haven't done in so long.. ahh well.. :-)