Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Notebook

ok ok.. saw this last night wif a bunch of church ppl at chats mandarin... was recommended to go see it by my manager and the assistant to the manager..

i was expecting something like a walk to remember.. i was expecting to cry.. but nothing.. it wasn't really sad.. it was a happy kinda movie.. even though not that happy.. (go see it to find out why)

overall it was a solid movie.. good story.. which is a relief from the movies coming out of hollywood nowadays.. its rare to find a movie that is just genuine like this one.. but yeh.. i think coz i likened it to a walk to remember it let me down as it wasn't really that type of movie..

the performances by the actors, both young and old were believable which was good.. hate these type of movies where the actors look like they have no idea wot the go is..

all up.. prolly 6.5/10