Monday, September 19, 2005

Holes... Again.....

some of u may remember a similar post i did a few months back regarding holes in socks.. see here

well.. I HAVE MORE!! ok.. i had like 1 or 2 small ones at the toes.. but i was walking up to the shops for lunch and realised i could feel a little bit more of the back of my shoe than normal.. curious, i took a squiz when i got a chance to sit down back at work.. there is a HUGEEEE hole where the heel of the sock is.. what the? wasn't there when i left the house this morning.. these holes are multiplying!!!

these are a good pair of socks too... they were with me on my run from central to broadway in under 10 mins to get my computer case.. and they are really comfy.. (i guess the run may have contributed to the holes) *sigh*

oh well.. gotto go buy some more black socks now.. coz i bet my dozen other pairs are prolly going to end up like these soon.. :-|

its a conspiracy i tell u...