Friday, November 10, 2006

awwww cute!!!

sooo had a random night last night.. random dinner ($6 steaks!!!) wif couple friends :-)

stopped off at one of their works (at a vet clinic) and was able to have a look at all the animals and stuff out the back..

some of the cats there were sooooo cute :-)

heheeh there was one that was full ugly though.. like that white bad boss cat from the movie 'cats and dogs'... didn't wanna take a picture of it.. (might have broken my phone.. lol)

neways.. i did however snap a shot of 3 kittens that are strays :-D

i just wanted to pick all of them up and hug them... kekekeke :-D
(but chose not to, cos going to dinner haha :-))

the one on the right was the best!!!.. had a pink nose which was really cute and i stuck my finger inside the cage and it start to sniff it and then.. (awwww) it moved one of its paw's up and put it on my finger hehehe :-D

awwwwwww :-D