Sunday, October 31, 2004


ok.. i was sifting through my stuff today.. trying to find my old watch for my dad coz his one broke.. i came across this tiny little bottle.. the ones we used in science in highschool to put tiny specimens in... neways.. it had a piece of paper inside... curious as i am.. opened the bottle and with tweezers carefully extracted the wrapped piece of paper... inquisitively i opened the piece of paper and began to read...

Jan 17th 2000

Goals by the time i'm 21 yrs old

- Get into a uni course which i like
- Get a good well paid job
- Go to church more
- *unable to disclose*
- *same as above*
- Respect my parents more

now... that is cool.. dated just before i actually got into uni i'm assuming.. as its the year after i finished highschool... the 2 points in * * are just emotional goals.. like.. who i liked at that time.. kinda stupid as emotional goals will change..

but this is how it turned out..

i got into a uni course which.. well i can't say i really liked.. but it was alright, i liked it to an extent.. so that was fulfilled..
i have a job now.. it may not be well paid.. but its a job i'm happy with.. so i can say that goal is fulfilled.. as the goal is really just about work contentment.. (and i guess it was fulfilled a bit later than expected.. as i'm now 22.. but its still ok :-P)
i am committed to church now.. more so that i was when i went with my parents... i do miss the occasional sote here and there.. but i keep coming back for more :-)
and.. well the last one.. i'm still working on.. slowly.. hehe

i guess wot really is cool about this.. is the church one.. at the time i wrote this.. which was just after i finished highschool, nearly 5 years ago now.. i wasn't going to church at all.. for the last few years of highschool.. i didn't go to church as much and then in yr 12 i just stopped going.. and didn't go through all 4 years at uni (bar the last couple months of the final year)...

the fact that i actually wrote down i wanted to go to church more.. in a time that i didn't go, and was technically rebelling against church and society, cements the fact that God was still with me all through those years... and the truth that now i am going to church not becoz my parents are dragging me along.. but becoz i want to go,.. is just quite amazing..
a song comes to mind, which pretty much sums it up..

"Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see."

PS: i did find my old watch for my dad.. he's happy now :-P