Friday, November 04, 2005

wisdom teeth - post surgery

just got home at like 8:30pm.. i was there from 10:30am till about 7:30pm.... such a long day.

i got the 4 wisdom teeth out.... after surgery it looked ok and i was set to go home at around 3:30-4pm... but then something happened....

(warning: slightly graphic)

i was talking to my mum, and she was like quick get some tissues, there was blood.. a lot of blood coming out of my mouth and pouring down onto my clothes, they quickly got one of the nurses who came to have a look and it appears that 1 or more of my wounds inside my mouth may be oozing blood (which is normal). they got me to bite down on these cloth things to hopefully clot the bleeding... 20 mins later she came back and had a look, and it was still gushing blood, following this she wheeled me back to the pre-op section so the surgeon could take a look.

1 of the wounds was continually gushing blood, it wasn't clotting properly so he sucked up a lot of the blood and got me to bite down on another piece of cloth to see if that would stop the bleeding, 30 mins went by and the doc and nurse came back to check... i overheard one nurse say that i had become really pale and was losing a lot of blood, so they quickly rushed me back into surgery to re-stitch the wound back up... apparently it wasn't the gum bleeding, but the bone.. i was bleeding from the bone (jaw) which apparently is not suppose to happen...

so after surgery (part 2) i was out and now back home.. and this time not bleeding...(i dont thnk).. my face is strapped up with an ice pack, and its still pretty numb as they had to sedate and numb me again for the 2nd surgery....

i was really quite scared when i was going in again for the 2nd surgery, i kept praying so that i would be kept safe... and i know some of you had me on your thoughts and in your prayers, which comforted me greatly....

one special thank you needs to go out to a certain someone.. thank you so much for constantly sms'ing me back when i had a chance after the surgeries to sms you... it meant a lot to me and a tremendous comfort that you were still there for me (even though not physically), and thank u again for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers.... thank u so much...

now its just a matter of healing, and having a post-op consultation half way through next week to check that everything is healing correctly....

time to sit in bed (where i am now) and watch dvd's, chat and blog :-)