Monday, December 19, 2005

King Kong

saw this yest... ITS AWESOME!)#*Q$&)#&$Y)@*Y$#)*#*$#&@$)_&#@$)(@Y

far out.. ok.. a bit long.. and started off slow.. but man did it pick up!!! the action scenes were awesome, and the amount of detail that went into bringing the world and the gorilla to life.. far out... so much detail went into facial expressions of the gorillas face as well.. lot of emotion there... and noami watts performance was awesome.. knowing that she's acting against nothing.. far out.. so good!!

and wots wif the aircon?? so cold in there..stupid aircon

and the story (WARNING: mebbe some spoilers ahead, scroll down till u see NOTE if u want to miss this)...

wow.. ok.. i didn't think i'd enjoy it that much coz all i knew was some gorilla climbs the empire state building and gets shot down... good story? i dont' think so.. BUT.. wow.. so much character development, and character interaction.. to really draw the audience in.. and the underlying meaning to the movie that 'man is the beast', the evils of mankind (thanks wongo for your lecture after the movie :-P)
the irony that in the end by our own evil nature and selfishness we kill what is beautiful in this world..
who is the beast?

(NOTE: ok end spoilers)

all up 4.5/5 (it lost .5 due to the slow start, i'm harsh, yes i know :-P)

go see it ppl!!!