Tuesday, February 14, 2006

yellow fever

rofl!!! thanks sarah for sending this to me.. haha really made my night :-)

ppl check this out it is sooooooo true!!!!
yellow fever

or if u want to download go to their website
WongFu Productions

Monday, February 13, 2006


whaaaa... my bro came over yest morning wif his new evo9!!! (woke me out of bed.. car is too loud lol)

but wow!!! its so nice!!! fully optioned with the BBS rims, etc

pics below (taken wif camera on phone so sorry about quality):

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

new monitor

finally!!!.. its been nearly 5 years since i got my 19" crt.. it had a good life.. but nowadays with normal refresh rates the whole screen shakes and all edges/corners were blurry :-|

so decided i'd save for a 19" lcd

picked it up today and its pretty good.. not used to the brightness of it though.. but the colour and sharpness so kill the crt hands down

some pics below:

landscape mode

portrait mode

my setup

Thursday, February 02, 2006

smoking day aye??!?!?!

hehe had a good day today.. not as busy as the last few... (11-12 hour days wot??!?!)

but something funny happened.. just before i left we were plugging in a switch to set up imaging for laptops and it blew up.. pity i wasn't fast enough to get my phone out.. (so not used to having a camera on my phone) so the following pics are the aftermath when it was just smouldering.. so times the smoke by 20 and thats about wot we saw

see below :-D