ok tiring week..
as i've noted in my previous blogs i started work this week.. the work itself was just training so it wasn't too stressful or tiring.. but on thurs and fri i went straight from work to church, one for an evangelical function on the thurs and on fri bible study..
so being out of the house from 7am till about 11:30-midnight with no rest in between, and with only 5-6 hours sleep for 3 days running is kinda hard on the body for someone not used to it... i was literally sleeping on my feet.. i apologise to all those ppl who had to try and understand my kinda slurred speech and sorry if i came across uninterested to ur convo's but i was listening.. trying to.. lol
i start my shifts this coming mon.. should be interesting.. kinda looking forward to it.. kinda not.. u know how it is.. hehe.. we'll see how it goes i guess :-)
First Day.... The Aftermath
well.. that was a long day of just listening to protocols and stuff.. lol
by the end of it i was quite ready to pull out my hair lol.. but it was ok i guess.. it wasn't too stressful and the systems they use are pretty straight-forward so it won't be too hard to settle into the roles they've got for me once the 3 day crash course has finished..
the reason why its a 3 day crash course is that they needed a couple ppl to start pretty urgently, so myself and this other guy were the chosen ones to fill the gap before the official induction with the rest of the new employees which will be on march 8th.. so least we get a feel of wot work is like before the others and we'll already be accustomed to the work place...
tomoz should be a tad bit better in terms of wot needs to be learnt.. it'll prolly be more practical in terms of trouble shooting and problem solving (wot we really need for the job), instead of the basic's of the company and stuff wot we went over today lol...
we'll see wot tomoz has to bring :-)
First Day.... Soon
well.. its like 7am.. i gotto head to work soon.. i dunno.. not entirely excited about it.. but i am.. strange feeling.. don't really know wot to expect coz its training for the next 3 days or so.. it shouldn't be that hard this week :-)
letcha know how it goes when i get home :-)
Hawk's Nest and stuff
well.. just basically got home.. long weekend..
started it off wif a 4 hour sleep on sat morning at about 1am to 5am.. then woke up to go for the 7k bay run.. had breaky wif the runners.. home to finish packing.. then off to hermz's house as he was driving to whale beach for alvina's b'day.. we popped in for a bit then left again as we were heading up to hawk's nest where some other churchers were.. the drive took about 2.5 hours.. finally got there.. and headed straight for the beach.. now i'm telling u.. these waves were awesome.. can't explain it in typing.. so u'll just have to believe me.. neways then the usually bludging around (take 2, etc) and yeh..
slept for about 5 hours.. then woke up and went to the beach again.. sat on the beach just chatting wif hermz and julie about heaps of stuff at about 7am.. had some breaky at some cafe wif some of the others after we got back to the house.. and then headed back to the beach for some more body surfing.. waves even better than the day before 3-4 ft'ers easily.. :-D so cool!.. then hermz and i raced back to syd to make it in time for 5pm church.. hehehe..
well thats the basic run down of the weekend.. coz i'm running on coffee at the moment i can't be bothered going into too much detail.. basically it was really really good.. so relaxing.. beach awesome.. and it gave me to time get to know hermz a bit better as really we only really spoke about bball when we played bball.. so it was good to get to know him and just understand him better.. top bloke..
and so yeh.. man.. so tired.. really can't type nemore thinking going.. errrrrkkkkk...
i tell u.. i just saw the 'my immortal' live music video.. where they are performing in germany.. its.. just awesome!!!.. amy lee does some lil vocal changes here and there making it unique to the album and radio versions.. and just the visual of when the band comes in towards the end is just an awesome sight...
phwoar! :-)
more job interviews...
well ozemail gave me a call and conducted a preliminary phone interview last fri.. that went ok and i got a call back from them today inviting me to go in for a face to face interview, accompanied with a knowledge test and a role play thingo.. kinda scared.. kinda not coz i don't know wot to expect.. but it should be ok... :-)
and my immortal (band version) is back on the list for song of the month.. man this song is so awesome.. so beautiful.. it gives me chills when i listen to it.... its just WOW...
well today i had the interview at optus world.. i think it went alright.. seemed really positive.. i was able to answer the questions in wot i felt a confident way, and as much information relevant to the questions as possible..so yeh.. just seemed all good :-)
then went into the city and dropped in on Susan who was working late coz of late night shopping.. and then had dinner wif Gas and a couple of his friends, had Nandos.. mmmm Nandos.. nice... lol..
then met up wif Connie and her friends as they went to donate blood in the city earlier and saw the movie big fish... it was suprisingly good.. quite a strange story.. but i think there is some deeper meanings to the story's told and the main plot in general.. i'll have to think more on it.. read up on it.. but yeh was quite good all up..
basically all up..it was a good day.. really fulfilled.. :-)
ok.. its all happening so fast.. got home last night from dinner after church, and my mum tells me my bro in law wants me to work for him mebbe 1 or 2 days this week.. (first is tomoz) finally i can get some cash, the job aint going to be easy as he owns a personal lawn mowing and gardening company.. so it'll be hard work.. but its cash that i need desperately..
then today.. something really unexpected.. but great happened.. first up.. i got a call from the manager of this home storage retail store, offering me a full time job there.. i however turned it down, due to the reasons that i really need a job now which is casual, or part time if it isn't in my degree related industry of Computing/IT so that i can maybe get some unpaid work experience in my industry while continuing to work as casual/partime.. and also if i were to accept, then i would feel obliged to work there for a decent amount of time (feels kinda slack if i accept the job, then leave 1-2 months in) overall i feel that declining the job was the right decision to make long term...
second up, about 30 mins later, i get another call from optus world (retail again) inviting me to come for an interview this week.. this was the real unexpected one coz i handed in my resume just 3-4 days before.. so they must have been in need of employee's.. this job is for casual, but if it was full time, i would take it as well.. even though it isn't in my industry.. it is with a company, that has many departments, this could be that 'foot in the door' that i've been waiting for.. if not, then it will be valuable experience that i can't pass up, and will still allow me to get unpaid work experience in my industry due to the casual hours.. the bonus with this job also, is that it is in an area where i have interest and knowledge about, even though it has little to do with my degree...
so, this has been certainly an interesting day and a bit.. i'm not going to get too excited yet as i need to pass the interview.. i'm just going to put it in God's hands and let him guide me on the path He wants me to live...
Resume building
blah... this the part i hate.. reformatting.. updating resume etc.. can take soo long.. i'm reformatting it.. to be short and sweet for retail shops and stuff.. sif they wanna know my technical experience at building system applications.. LOL
was originally going to head to the shopping centres today to spam.. but i think i should spend today fixing this up.. need to get the formatting right..
thanks to the ppl who i asked for some tips.. much appreciated :-)
the job hunt
well.. its still going.. not much luck.. i've picked up the pace on this also.. really getting aggressive with this.. but i fear that my lack of experience in the computing industry will be my down fall.. sooooo i'm heading to the shopping centre's most likely tomoz to apply for retail stuff.. mebbe i'll have more luck there...
recap: run/week/yeh
well run was good.. i ran at least 5km this time.. mebbe a bit more.. next time ill push myself for a bit more.. was quite enjoyable this time round..
my week's been pretty packed too.. bball on monday, tuesday fixing friends comp... full system rebuild left their house at like 2:30am.. coz i got over there after dinner.. so didn't get to finish it all.. wednesday met up wif a bunch of ppl to just chill all day.. was nice.. thursday was bball again.. was actually hitting the shots that day.. friday completed the computer fixing.. and the first SOTE (church bible study) of the year..
also my computer video card finally died.. lol.. FINALLY.. after no fan cooling the GPU for about a year or so lol.. hahah running a tnt2 now.. it suits my purpose of just chatting, emailing, and surfin.. i don't play much games now so its all good.. need a job though.. so i can live.. and mebbe afford a new vid card :-)