EEK!! - updated AGAIN
i was walking to the station.. I GOT ATTACKED BY A MAGPIE!!... who gets that happening to them.. far out.. was walking down the road then i here this massive click sound and a gush of wind past my right ear.. startled me.. and this magpie flies past my head about 10 cms away from my ear and lands on the branch just a head of me.. freaked me out.. so i thought ok.. freak incident.. its cool keep walking.. i'll still have my eyes, it wont' pick them out.. then not 1min later.. it does the same thing on the left side of my head..!!! at this point i was freaking out.. so i picked up the pace and kept looking back to see if the magpie would attack again.. luckily it i didn't *sigh of relief*
stupid birds.. lucky no one was walking on the street too.. coz they woulda seen a asian guy running down the street with a bird flying after him... :-|
what is going on!!!?!!??!?!?! i'm getting attacked by moths today.. MOTHS!!! out of all things.. for some reason there is like millions of them around the outside of the building where my office is... (litterally millions) just sitting on the walls and stuff.. and then when u walk outside.. they go psycho and start flying around...
i swear they must be blind.. actually are moths blind? i'm not sure.. neways.. they are blind.. u'd think they'd fly straight or avoid the huge (in comparion to their size) asian guy walking along the path way.. but nooooo they decide to swurve into me and ram me with their head (do moths have heads?).. *sigh*
animals and insects hate me.. :-(
ITS MAGPIES AGAIN!!.. ok they didnt' really attack me this time.. but seriously.. one got into the building where i work.. just outside my office.. how? i dont' know.. no windows were open.. only the door at the front.. which come on... wot kind of bird is going to walk in the front door.. its basically impossible to fly in coz its kinda surround by stuff... :-|
spies i tell.. a conspiracy!!.. it was coming to hunt me down.. :-
well the magpie got hurt coz it kept flying into windows and stuff.. MUAHAHAHAHAHA.. then managed to fly out a window my work colleague left open for it to get out.
grrrrrr.. really not liking the magpie species...
FF7 Advent Children
man.. i'm so out of the loop.. didn't even know this was out.. i LOVE the Final Fantasy game series.. just so awesome.. and one in particular was FF7... had no idea they made a sequel movie to it...
so just finished watching it.. i guess if u havent' played through FF7 its a bit hard to understand wots going on.. but far out.. if u have played it and u know the characters and storyline.. the movie is AWESOME!!@#(*@^&)&$ this has to be the best CGI movie i have ever seen.. in terms of the way it looks, the music, etc..
some pics below :-)

[edit] saw howl's moving castle on tues night wif some ppl from various churchers.. was pretty good.. random.. but good.. hehe go the cute things!!!
ok.. those that read my blog know that i'm getting glasses.. this has been a never ending saga for the last month or 2...
i placed the order over a month ago.. he said he'd have to order the frames in, then send them off to get the lens's fitted and made...for the last 3 weeks i been calling the shop finding out when my glasses will come in.. each time.. "yes there is been a delay.. sorry blah blah, it'll be in next".. my reply has always been "ok thats fine, i'll call you next week..." usually i'm really patient with this type of thing.. i understand there can be difficulties.. however today was the last straw.. far out.. i called em yesterday.. said they'd be in yesterday (from last weeks call) and they said it would be in today definitely.... and today TODAY!!! he says the 'courier' has lost the package... oh so its taken 2 weeks to realise a courier with all your glasses has lost the package?? 2 weeks!!! I DON'T THINK SO!! far out.. and on top of that.. asks me for the make of the glasses again so he can reorder.. YOU'D THINK HE'D HAVE THE OLD ORDER ON FILE YES?!?!?.. somebody isn't organised are they? nooooo.... *fuming* and speaking of things not on file.. i've given him my mobile number about 5 times now.. so he can 'contact me back' *cough cough splutter cough*
i am soooo tempted to just head down to opsm and pick out another pair and get em through them.. sure i'll be paying more.. but i'd glady pay the premium for service that is deserved.
this has been a very good lesson to me.. when buying glasses or optical wear, never buy from small relatively unknown named shops... i'll definitely always go for the bigger companies now when it comes to optics... now i'm not going to name the shop i'm having all these problems with, but if u wanna know so u can stay clear, ask me..... so opsm here i come!
all calm now :-)
going to let this continue.. but if not in by fri i'll go get myself another one (diff style) from somewhere else so i'll have 2.. then can mix and match :-P
got em now.. came in today (fri) woo.. finally.. FINALLY... will post pics when get a chance.. lol
Holes... Again.....
some of u may remember a similar post i did a few months back regarding holes in socks..
see herewell.. I HAVE MORE!! ok.. i had like 1 or 2 small ones at the toes.. but i was walking up to the shops for lunch and realised i could feel a little bit more of the back of my shoe than normal.. curious, i took a squiz when i got a chance to sit down back at work.. there is a HUGEEEE hole where the heel of the sock is.. what the? wasn't there when i left the house this morning.. these holes are multiplying!!!
these are a good pair of socks too... they were with me on my run from central to broadway in under 10 mins to get my computer case.. and they are really comfy.. (i guess the run may have contributed to the holes) *sigh*
oh well.. gotto go buy some more black socks now.. coz i bet my dozen other pairs are prolly going to end up like these soon.. :-|
its a conspiracy i tell u...
The South Park IT Team :-/

this is me.. 'apparently'
lol.. the yr12's at the school where i work, went around making staff versions of south park.. the above is 'version 2' of me :-P
i don't really think it looks like me.. but i guess when u compare it wif the rest of the IT team u could figure it out.. rest of the IT team is below:


this is version 1
so is not better :-P
Whats been happening..
woo new song...
missy higgins - the special two
yeh i know i'm a bit late.. but i've finally started to listen to missy higgins and she aint that bad.. this song is nice.. been listening to it on repeat for the last couple days now.. :-P
also rang the optom today.. apparently frames were suppose to be in this arvo and should be ready by wed/thurs... so by fri ppl.. or sun.. u might see me wif glasses on.. gonna be such an embarrassment.. haha
weekend was pretty busy also, 2 bday dinners, on sat and sun night.. big happy bday goes out to iris and matty u guys rock, respect *taps chest* :-)
Red Eye
just went wif some friends to see red eye, starring rachel mcadams and cillian murphy.. i wasn't expecting much from it.. due to the various reviews i read about it.. but the trailer did seem intriguing...
the movie started off really slow.. but i guess that was understandable as they needed to build the story up.. but once it got going.. it really grabbed my attention from then on till the end. Short'ish ending though kinda seemed to quick, but again understandable given the whole idea of the movie. A woman who is the manager of a hotel, is travelling by plane, meets a guy at the airport who seems nice, but turns out that he's in a plot to kill some head of homeland security, and he wants her to change the guys room to another, or her father will die.
overall.. if u can get cheap movies.. or u want something to do on a tues night or if you like rachel mcadams :-P go see it..
score: 7.5/10