Sunday, October 31, 2004


ok.. i was sifting through my stuff today.. trying to find my old watch for my dad coz his one broke.. i came across this tiny little bottle.. the ones we used in science in highschool to put tiny specimens in... neways.. it had a piece of paper inside... curious as i am.. opened the bottle and with tweezers carefully extracted the wrapped piece of paper... inquisitively i opened the piece of paper and began to read...

Jan 17th 2000

Goals by the time i'm 21 yrs old

- Get into a uni course which i like
- Get a good well paid job
- Go to church more
- *unable to disclose*
- *same as above*
- Respect my parents more

now... that is cool.. dated just before i actually got into uni i'm assuming.. as its the year after i finished highschool... the 2 points in * * are just emotional goals.. like.. who i liked at that time.. kinda stupid as emotional goals will change..

but this is how it turned out..

i got into a uni course which.. well i can't say i really liked.. but it was alright, i liked it to an extent.. so that was fulfilled..
i have a job now.. it may not be well paid.. but its a job i'm happy with.. so i can say that goal is fulfilled.. as the goal is really just about work contentment.. (and i guess it was fulfilled a bit later than expected.. as i'm now 22.. but its still ok :-P)
i am committed to church now.. more so that i was when i went with my parents... i do miss the occasional sote here and there.. but i keep coming back for more :-)
and.. well the last one.. i'm still working on.. slowly.. hehe

i guess wot really is cool about this.. is the church one.. at the time i wrote this.. which was just after i finished highschool, nearly 5 years ago now.. i wasn't going to church at all.. for the last few years of highschool.. i didn't go to church as much and then in yr 12 i just stopped going.. and didn't go through all 4 years at uni (bar the last couple months of the final year)...

the fact that i actually wrote down i wanted to go to church more.. in a time that i didn't go, and was technically rebelling against church and society, cements the fact that God was still with me all through those years... and the truth that now i am going to church not becoz my parents are dragging me along.. but becoz i want to go,.. is just quite amazing..
a song comes to mind, which pretty much sums it up..

"Amazing grace! How sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost, but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see."

PS: i did find my old watch for my dad.. he's happy now :-P

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Its all good!

its all good! :-)

had a really awesome day today.. for lunch went up the road wif some work colleagues to a cafe up the road for a BIG breakfast.. haha yes.. breakfast food at lunch..

quite similar to the breaky that we used to have after the bay run earlier this year.. sausages, egg, toast, tomato, mushrooms, bacon, etc... was really nice!!! not as much as the breaky after the bay run.. but still enough to fill the stomach hehehehe...

speaking off food.. i got this really big craving for teriyaki chicken and miso soup..!#)(&#*&$()#(*

Sunday, October 24, 2004

The Notebook

ok ok.. saw this last night wif a bunch of church ppl at chats mandarin... was recommended to go see it by my manager and the assistant to the manager..

i was expecting something like a walk to remember.. i was expecting to cry.. but nothing.. it wasn't really sad.. it was a happy kinda movie.. even though not that happy.. (go see it to find out why)

overall it was a solid movie.. good story.. which is a relief from the movies coming out of hollywood nowadays.. its rare to find a movie that is just genuine like this one.. but yeh.. i think coz i likened it to a walk to remember it let me down as it wasn't really that type of movie..

the performances by the actors, both young and old were believable which was good.. hate these type of movies where the actors look like they have no idea wot the go is..

all up.. prolly 6.5/10

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Alter Bridge

i bought the alter bridge album today... and its gooooooooodddddddd... !!!!!

for those of u who don't know who alter bridge is... its basically creed without the lead singer.. its a different guy...
same guitarist, bassist and drummer.. mark tremonti (guitarist) has more guitar solo's in this album.. and he really lets it rip most of the time.. i believe the guitar term is 'shredding'..

the new singer is pretty good too,.. although will take a while to get used to since i'm so used to creed's lead.. lol

the sound is a lil bit the same.. but they have a really wide range on this album.. from mellow rock to the harder rock.. i can see this cd will get played to death in my car now.. sorry to all those who get lifts in my car :-)

Monday, October 18, 2004

Can you take me higher?

When dreaming I'm guided to another world
Time and time again
At sunrise I fight to stay asleep
'Cause I don't want to leave the comfort of this place
'Cause there's a hunger, a longing to escape
From the life I live when I'm awake
So let's go there
Let's make our escape
Come on, let's go there
Let's ask can we stay?

Can you take me higher?
To the place where blind men see
Can you take me higher?
To the place with golden streets

Although I would like our world to change
It helps me to appreciate
Those nights and those dreams
But, my friend, I'd sacrifice all those nights
If I could make the Earth and my dreams the same
The only difference is
To let love replace all our hate
So let's go there
Let's make our escape
Come on, let's go there
Let's ask can we stay?

Can you take me higher?
To the place where blind men see
Can you take me higher?
To the place with golden streets

Up high I feel like I'm alive for the very first time
Set up high I'm strong enough to take these dreams
And make them mine

I LOVE this song.. its awesome.. it can really get u pumped.. been my fav song for like the past 4-5 years now.. and still going strong :-)

The lyrics.. the guitar, drums.. voice.. all comes together so nicely.. into this full on song which u can listen to over and over again..

Can you take me Higher???.. This song takes me higher... :-)


On another note - Stupid Comment for the day:

Jane: "hey, guess what? we have a librarian in our library!"

Me: "Whaaaaaa!!!! are u serious!!?!?!?! a librarian in a library???.. NO WAY!!!.. thats unbelievable!!!"

yes jane, there are librarians in libraries.. i know its hard to believe.. but its true.. :-)

Sunday, October 17, 2004


saw collateral tonight.. it was so so.. could have been better.. wif more action i feel.. i dunno.. mebbe i'm just in an action movie mood.. haha..
but yeh.. was a nice build up of suspense towards the end.. but that was about it..

tom cruise fitted the bad guy role pretty well suprisingly.. and look cool as well.. i want his sunnies.. hahahaha... but he shoulda used his silencer more.. i mean.. common.. he's a hitman.. USE A SILENCER!!.. woulda added some coolness to his role..

the plot was pretty standard as well, coulda had a bit more substance.. but i'm not sure how they could have given it that desired substance..

overall.. prolly a 6-6.5/10.. (7/10 if he used his silencer more :-P)

Monday, October 11, 2004

the question!?!

ok.. i was driving to the station this morning.. and bird was walking across the road.. it didn't start to fly until i was basically right on top of it..

what i don't get is.. if a bird wants to go from one side of the road to another, then WHY does it have to walk across when it can easily fly?!?!?!??!

1) it would be faster
2) more efficient
3) less stress (no cars about to run em over)

i don't get it..

Sunday, October 10, 2004

ok. that turned out ok :-)

well.. last night turned out ok.. ended up going to manly wif a friend.. VERY last min stuff.. walk and talk down and back on manly beach.. was quite nice.. then coffee back at stratty till 2

love how things turn out :-)

Saturday, October 09, 2004

wha.. majorly boring day!

argh!!!.. how boring is today...

woke up.. chatted, ate breaky, voted, ate lunch, slept, msn went down for 2.5 hours (ARGH!!! MICROSOFT!!!!!! and no one uses icq now.. :-/) chatted, watched bruce almighty (funny movie that is), ate dinner.. chatting now..

and no one picks up their mobiles nowadays?? WOTS WIF THAT?!?!?!

i so wanna do something.. it was such a nice day.. tonight is such a nice night.. everyone is going out.. or family dinners.. or something.. why.. WHY!!?!?!?!

hmm wot would be nice right now.. be at the beach... lying on the sand just staring at the sky.. that would be good.. BUT NOT BY MYSELF!!!?!?!?!?!

argh!!.. *Sigh*..

oh oh oh... guess what.. work gave me a pda today.. wow aye?? i've never used or had one before.. its my managers old one.. so there is scratches and stuff.. and its like 1-2 years old.. but its cool!!!!

*sigh* i wanna go out.. :-(

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Added haloscan commenting

yep.. all u popples can now comment wif ur name displayed etc, wifout being signed up wif blogspot..

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

working life...

hmm.. really been thinking about this over the last couple months.. working life is actually quite a bummer.. sure u get paid.. its a set routine that if u find a good job its easy to do.. it sets u up for family life, financial supplies and what not etc, but what about the people who don't like set routines, who want some freedom.. who like to do what they want when they want.. mebbe find a job that allows that?? ok.. possible.. but not likely..

i tell u what was good.. uni life.. it had its fair share of stress, all nighters.. assignments etc.. but it was a good life.. it was easy.. structuring ur timetable to all afternoon classes so u could wake up at midday everyday.. staying up till about 1-2am chatting to all ur friends online who also are going to uni and chat at that time.. going out seeing friends without being stuck to a set schedule (like going to bed early to wake up at 6am for work).. uni life was the good life.. a nice level of responsibility balanced with a level of freedom..

so my tip to all u people still in uni..

Stay in Uni, FAIL IF U HAVE TO!!

that is all

NOTE: if u take the above advice and do fail ur subjects, i take no responsibility for this action, for it is ur choice to do so :-D

[EDIT]: for those that may think i dislike work and stuff.. i don't.. the work is pretty good.. just working life could be a lil bit more flexible..

Sunday, October 03, 2004

lol.. nice post gas.. :-)

but yeh.. my life has been pretty boring lately.. so nothing really much to post

work has been pretty breezy since all the students aren't there.. doing server and client machine maintenance.. so its good.. set up the updates, chat on msn for 30 mins go back to the updates.. lol
its alright :-)

long weekend here.. gotto make the most of it.. had a late one last night.. chatting on the phone till 5am.. and did coffee and ice cream at stratty before it.. church today.. but not sure if nething will happen tonight after church.. hopefully..
and then monday.. the public holiday.. no plans yet.. if anyone wants to do nething.. call me, msg me, sends smoke signals if u are that far behind.. but lemme know.. coz i'll be up for nething!! *hint hint* *nudge nudge*

Friday, October 01, 2004

Dum di dum

Well kiddies. Since Dan's away, i'll be your substitute blogger for the day/week/month/whenever-Dan-feels-like-blogging-again-that-no-good-lazy-bludger-you... ;)

And since I'm pretty much an unknown, I might just leave it at that. You'd think that with all the spare time Dan has, he'd actually sit down for all of 2 minutes, type a quick anything about his latest [insert any word you like really] before signing out... but no. You're stuck hearing me rant and rave and what have yah. Ohwells... Waste of a blog? Probs.. but adds a bit of.. er... new-ness to it. Even got the chance to see a new word :D